If you’re anything like me, take about four minutes to choose a filter for your Christmas Instagram photo and about four hours to choose a caption. Worst of all, after a lot of creative effort and advice from friends, you can usually hardly write a caption that goes beyond, “Happy Christmas and a good New Year!” The next time you consider a typical Christmas quotes that goes with you. Instagram photo fits, check out our best Christmas quotes first!

The Christmas Quotes
“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” —Edna Ferber
“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” – Bob Hope
“May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve.”
“I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.” – Shirley Temple
“Christmas is not a date. It is a state of mind.” – Mary Ellen Chase
“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” – Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”– Calvin Coolidge
“Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won’t make it ‘white’.” – Bing Crosby
“No man is a failure who has friends.” — It’s a Wonderful Life
“God bless us, every one!” — A Christmas Carol
“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.” – Laura Ingalls Wilder
“Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” – Charles M. Schulz
“I don’t think Christmas is necessarily about things. It’s about being good to one another.” — Carrie Fisher
“Peace on earth will come to stay, When we live Christmas every day.” – Helen Steiner Rice
“Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends.” – Margaret Thatcher
Take a look at Holland Design and Gifts for the best Christmas gifts!