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    Recap – Dutch design week 2020

    Dutch design week 2020

    The always pleasant and inspiring day out with your best friend – as you have done for years – was not the case this time. The Dutch Design Week 2020 was held online last week due to the consequences of the coronavirus. Thanks to the 1500 participating (inter) national designers, Dutch Design Week 2020 in Eindhoven became the online center of the creative industry. In a very short time the event had to transform from an offline environment to a complete online environment. In this blog, we look back on nine days of ‘virtual party’ in the field of the power of design and the winners of the Dutch Design Awards 2020!

    Dutch Design Week 2020

    In total, the Dutch Design Week 2020 had about 750 virtual tours, DDW TV, live streams from partners and designers, 3D viewing rooms and a lot of attention on national TV & radio. Even the Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Ingrid van Engelshoven, had to be present online.

    A big part of this year were the TV broadcasts. TV is made there from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for nine days. “We do this at DDF ourselves, but also through the VPRO and the Design Academy, for example. In addition to all the talk shows, there are also lighter elements. Well-known chefs cook with well-known designers. “You can watch 3,500 minutes of content via DDW TV.

    In addition, there are some 750 3D Viewing Rooms, that have a number of the designers created, featuring videos, photography, audio fragments and other elements to showcase their work digitally. Also take a look at the 8 trends of Dutch Design Week 2020, written by Jeroen Junte. As well as the interviews with ambassadors related to the theme “The New Intimacy”.

    Organization Dutch Design Awards: “The winners of DDA20 show that the change capacity of designers is gaining momentum. They convert their drive to improve our environment into action that is as concrete as possible. The winning design professionals show that they have what it takes to do this: patience and an open, self-critical attitude. The combination of digital and physical can no longer be ignored in the design landscape. In the meantime, designers also see that things can be a lot more human. A convincing focus on ethics and meaning is now pushing more ego-driven designs to the extreme edges of the design field. Illustrative of this development are projects in which designers dare to lead and take responsibility. The jury saw a remarkable amount of initiative. The call for change that has been ringing for years in various (design) disciplines is now being answered more quickly. Doing is the motto, if you want to exist as a designer and as a company or organization. This is reflected in the many submissions in which concepts have been stripped to the essence, in some cases taken to the extreme. “

    Winners Dutch Design Awards 2020:

    Categorie Product – The Interceptor (The Ocean Cleanup / Fabrique)

    Categorie Design Research – Insectology: Food For Buzz (Matilde Boelhouwer)

    Categorie Best Commissioning – Water As Leverage (Rijksoverheid)

    Categorie Young Designer – Simon Dogger

    Categorie Communication – DEMO Design in Motion Festival (Studio Dumbar)

    Categorie Fashion – Collection 005 Complete Metamorphis PT.2 (Ninamounah)

    Categorie Service & Systems – Monnie (Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken / Garage2020)